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Billing & cash management

Easily settle accounts in your club with automatic reminders and integrated online banking for quick reconciliation.

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Keeping an eye on finances

Localclubs provides an overview of all outstanding and overdue invoices, including the total amounts.

Quick access to due and overdue invoices

Keep track of due contributions instantly

Direct debits that need to be executed

Quick overview

In the invoice overview, you can see all invoices at a glance, including contribution invoices.

Quick overview of status, recipient and amount

Easy filtering by open, requested, etc.

Easy export to Excel e.g. for debt collection

PDF hochladen Localclubs

Header and footer OR upload PDF

In the settings, you can specify whether you want to manually edit the header and footer of the invoice template or upload a PDF file directly.

Individual customization: By manually editing the header and footer of the invoice template, you can design the text, logo, and other relevant information according to your preferences

Maintaining formatting: If you already have a professionally designed invoice template as a PDF file, you can simply upload it and retain the desired formatting

Invoices easy

Create any type of invoice with all the tools you need.

Individual units and taxes

Accounting accounts and cost centers per position

Payment methods and placeholders

Rechnung erstellen Localclubs

Bulk invoices

Powerful tool to create and send invoices to multiple members with just a few clicks.

Choose your own filters or your own list

Multiple members with the same payer are correctly summarized in a single invoice

Automatic delivery to all

Massenrechnung Localclubs

Keeping an eye on the bill

Never lose track of individual invoices and simply work together with others in the club.

Complete status from shipping to paid

Download, resend or send a direct reminder

Save notes for later


Automatic shipping

Sending lots of invoices is very tedious. Localclubs takes this work off your hands.

Automatic selection of the preferred contact method for invoices for each member

Send via email, SMS or electronic mail with tracking

Delivery status for emails, SMS and letters

Automatischer Rechnungsversand Localclubs

Dunning made easy

Localclubs tells you exactly when you have to send reminders for which invoices.

Individual reminders or automatic with one click

Individualize the reminder levels with your own texts

Reminder fees are calculated automatically

Mahnwesen Localclubs

Net-gross calculator

From now on you can differentiate between gross and net entries under General Settings.

Uniform specification prevents billing problems

Efficient billing function for accurate recording of amounts

Delivery status for emails, SMS and letters


Account balance history

Get a quick overview of the account balance for each member through the history!

By clicking on the billing amount you will receive the history of the account balance

Export account balances and change history for a better overview

Verlauf des Kontostandes

Other useful features

Billing in Localclubs leaves nothing to be desired and offers many other great features:

Online banking

Quick connection to one or more bank accounts for automatic reconciliation.

Direct debits

Collect and monitor invoices easily via direct debit.

Own number ranges

Any format for your own number ranges and counter.


Simply group invoices using labels to make them easier to assign.


Cancel unpaid invoices easily and correctly with one click.


Convert paid and posted invoices into a credit note with one click.


Duplicate invoices with one click to avoid having to repeat each item.


Automatically transfer invoices correctly into your accounting with just one click.

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